Power is the greatest aphrodisiac

Dear Editor,

According to articles in the American media on May 20th, a former president of the United States of America had some very pointed and piercing words for the last president that departed the White House.  It doesn’t make for bedtime stories or family reading, but I agree, as specified below.

But this is the bigger point, which has application and meaning for us here in Guyana: some of the powerhouses from the disgraced president’s Republican Party are among the same people still support his baseless claims of cheating, are the same people in favor of restrictive voting laws in America, and are the same people who have no use for immigrants.  But they come to this country of color, and are welcomed with open arms by Guyanese leaders and their sycophantic followers. The local politically corrupt have room to embrace the sophisticated corruptions of foreign corrupters. I spare my peers Mr. Obama’s expletive, which fits locals to the letter. Editor, I put this on the table: I am neither Republican nor Democrat; didn’t vote in the last U.S. election, because I thought so poorly of them. 

Regarding here, I am neither PPP nor PNC nor any of those patented frauds called newcomers, new parties, and new groups, which is why I am determined not to vote in any elections in this country.  There are too many corrupt leaders around in both the new PPP and the still to find its feet PNC.  The existential crisis is how to be rid of them, since they are not going anywhere.  Not when power and politics are so personally prospering, so psychically energizing.  Reexamine the man who had to be expelled from 1600 Pennsyl-vania Avenue, and ask if he is going anywhere.  He is not, and it is same sickly, ugly situation here.  Power is the greatest aphrodisiac, and since the corrupting tastes of power have been experienced and enjoyed, all want continued bites of Guyana’s riches.


GHK Lall