It’s time to install an IMC for the city

Dear Editor,

The situation concerning the management of the City of Georgetown, continues to get from bad to worse and now worst (similar to when it was totally green and up to when Green was chas(ed) from the seat of Mayor). Garbage is piling up everywhere in the City, alley ways are overgrown and resembles jungles, drains are not cleaned, roads are impassable with deep trenches daily damaging vehicles, markets are dirty and atrocious to shop in, and the list goes on and on, ending with the majestic City Hall only waiting to fall down, like Humpty Dumpty. I read recently that Government decided to fund its rehabilitation, hopefully not under the present administration of the City. Much more can be said that is critical to the administration of the City but in the interest of brevity, I think I have made the point. I remember soon after the PPP/C assumed office in 1992, the conditions in the Capital were so atrocious that urgent action had to be initiated and an Interim Management Committee (IMC) had to be installed to bring some order to the operations at City hall. I remember (and my apologies beforehand for making mistakes in mentioning names of persons who were not there and omitting others who were there and made valuable contributions) names like Dr. James Rose, Tony Xavier, Lawrence Mann, Suresh Naraine, Bish Panday and other reputable citizens of Georgetown taking over the responsibilities of managing the City of Georgetown. To the relevant authorities, I humbly suggest that it is long overdue for another attempt at an Interim Management Committee to replace those who currently occupy the seats of managing the City. I am certain that the installation of persons, interested in Georgetown once again being referred to as the Garden City and retaining its pristine condition, to manage the Capital City, would achieve so much more. Please, timeliness is of paramount importance here.

H N Nawbatt