Family suspect foul play in death of Golden Fleece mother 

Kavita Dyaram
Kavita Dyaram

Family members of the late Kavita Dyaram, 29, suspect foul play in her death and want a second post-mortem to be conducted as they do not have confidence in the results of the first one done which reportedly listed the cause of death as cardiac arrest.

The family has even greater concerns as they have been aware that Dyaram, a mother of four,  had been the victim of abuse. She was found dead on Wednesday at around 2 pm at her Golden Fleece home in Region Two.

The deceased’s mother Devie Persaud said she wants a second post-mortem done. She said that none of her relatives was able to witness the autopsy and incorrect information was given to the pathologist about her health. 

The mother said that she is poor and she cannot believe that her daughter died suddenly. The mother now has to take care of four grandchildren and has to offset the funeral expenses.

Anyone desirous of helping can contact Devie Persaud on 645-9581.