This government only pays lip service to democracy

Dear Editor,

This letter does not represent the views of the entire artistic community, rather a few who have taken no sides in determining whether Russia, America, or its NATO Allies who are responsible for the Ukraine war. Ours is Promoting Global Peace, Love, and Harmony. Not Genocidal Wars among Nations. Exactly who benefits from Wars? Not Humanity! Our political geography in South America, next door to Venezuela, is extremely sensitive and dangerous. We are already living under siege with a government that pays lip service to democracy but continues to destroy our democracy, our lives, and our country. Emboldened that it has no organized opposition, they control and dispense our wealth to their supporters and financial backers, while the big capitalist consortiums are having a field day taking possession of our land and wealth generated from natural resources, the oil and gas sectors. Leaving behind a nation grounded in poverty living as refugees in our own country!

Our situation is getting worse, day-by-day, and the blame is now, not the 15-month political standoff nor the Covid19 Pandemic, it is now the Ukraine war. GPL hike will make matters worse, the cost of living continues to spiral. With three enormous budgets exceeding 1.3 Trillion GY dollars, no money was allocated for the purchase of art or to aid producing artists, rather the government has given out GYD 1 million under the title of ‘Culture and Business Award’ to 20 persons, while senior Guyanese artists, who have served our country for over 40 years, with distinction, are discriminated against, victims of race, class, and political prejudice. The war will become the yardstick for more injustices, more hardships, and as the Ukrainians are fleeing, so will Guyanese from the calamity unleashed. It does not take a crystal ball to see where we are headed.


Desmond Alli

General Secretary

Guyana United Artists