The quest continues for answers on Satyadeow Sawh’s murder

Dear Editor,

The year 2038 is as far away from present day as the year 2006. This puts into context just how long it has been since Satyadeow Sawh, his brother, his sister and his security guard (not forgetting our family dog) were murdered in cold blood.

Penning these annual letters brings no joy. The quest for answers, long and winding as it may be, continues. It would be remiss of us to not acknowledge that last year’s 15th anniversary brought some welcome movement; but the reality is as stark as it is bleak. Thankfully, the ebullience of Sash Sawh’s life invigorates our resolve every single day.

May we not have to cast our minds much further for action and for answers. 

Roger Sawh

(on behalf of the Sawh family)