Start planning industries around the need for less transportation of goods

Dear Editor, 

There can be no doubt that as we continue to pollute our environment that we are on a collision course with nature.

This means that our planet will not be able to sustain our global population should there be an increase in worldwide development unless we change course. 

We, as part of the world, need to do our bit to reduce the amount of pollution we are pumping onto the planet. 

Forget about carbon credit trading which is just a way to make money from further polluting our environment.

Forget about pumping as much oil as fast as we can to make a quick buck as this just exacerbates the problem.

What we can do is to reduce our carbon footprint. We need to start planning our industries around the need for less transportation of goods. Which means more localised production of, as an example, food. 

When countries do something that reduces the reliance on the private motorcar and air travel then I am inclined to believe that they are serious in wanting to prevent Global Warming.

We can be proactive in tackling Global Warming or we can wait until we are forced to do so when our natural environment collapses due to unsustainable pollution. 

To further deny that Global Warming is happening because of lack of knowledge in how to prevent it or because it will affect our lifestyle is living in denial. If you deny it strongly enough it still will not go away. 

Yours faithfully, 

Sean Ori