Norton’s refusal to shake Ali’s hand flouts the norms of democratic governance

Dear Editor,

It is appalling to me, especially since I have served two (2) of the former leaders of the People’s National Congress (PNC), politically and professionally, to see the level to which the present Leader of the PNC and of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton, has fallen, by comparison with his predecessors. I find it not only appalling, but disturbing, since it is critical for any democracy to function in the interest of its people that there is a strong and respected opposition to hold the elected government of the day accountable both in Parliament and in public as provided for by the Constitution and the rule of law.

The elected President of our country and let me repeat, the elected President, Irfaan Ali, has now, on two very public occasions, attempted to greet Mr. Norton in his capacity as Leader of the Opposition and of his party, by the universally accepted means of shaking hands, only to be rudely, crudely and foolishly rebuffed. The first was at a reception of the High Commissioner of the UK to Guyana and, most recently and even more offensively, at an event celebrating Emancipation Day. Mr. Norton’s public display of churlish bad manners by refusing to shake the President’s hand is to say the least childish and immature, but much, much worse, he and his colleagues who have behaved in this manner towards the President, have displayed a complete ignorance of their duties and responsibilities as leaders of the Parliamentary Opposition to respect and understand the norms of democratic government.

My uncle, Peter d’Aguiar, once declared in Parliament that the job of the opposition in a democracy is to “oppose, expose and depose” the government of the day always respecting the rule of law. True, but Mr. Norton’s behaviour is akin to a declaration of defiance, is akin to a refusal to communicate with not merely his political opponent but with the head of state and head of government. How then does Mr. Norton expect the President to be able to meet or consult with him on any matter whether official or otherwise? Mr. Norton, by his own deliberate action, has effectively shut himself off from consultation by the President, has effectively isolated himself and his party from constitutional recognition.


Kit Nascimento