ECD Guinness street football qualifiers on today

The Haslington Tarmac will provide the venue this morning at 7:00 am for the Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ East Coast Demerara Qualifiers.

The qualifiers, which will utilize an elimination structure, will feature several teams battling for the remaining eight places in the traditional 16 competition. To date, the eight teams that have already sealed their places in the main draw are: defending champion, and two-time winner Melanie-B, Liliendaal Hustlers, Belfield Warriors, Paradise-A, BV-A, Victoria Church Yard, Buxton Diamond, and Uprising.

According to an official release from the tournament coordinator, “Teams are slated to compete for berths in the tournament. The excitement for the resumption of the tournament following a two-year hiatus is at a fever pitch and the anticipation and expectation is this event could be one of the most memorable in the history of the zone, which has always been well supported by the surrounding communities.”

The release added, “For scheduling purposes, the tournament has been condensed, and will utilise an elimination format which will certainly add to the excitement. Essentially win and continue, or lose and go home. That is the unwritten motto that is being employed in this edition. Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ East Coast Demerara is officially back.”  
The main section tournament, which will also be staged at the same venue, is penciled to kick-off on October 28th with the round of 16 stage.

The competition will last for three days with  October 29th and November 5th the remaining dates. The second night will consist of the quarterfinal round, while the final night will feature the semi-final stage, third-place playoff, and championship encounter respectively.

Similarly, the losing quarterfinal teams will compete in the Plate Championship. Presently, the Linden and Berbice legs have been held. Defending champion Swag Entertainment successfully retained the Linden title while Showtime captured their maiden Berbice championship.