My son paid $3000 to the GPO as penalty for not having a National ID card

Dear Editor,

After three years I am visiting my grandchildren abroad.  My light bill, phone bill, internet bill and water bill must be paid. So I asked my son to cash my NIS and Old Age Pensions and pay the bills for me so that I am not disconnected.   He does not have a National ID card.  I enquired from both of the relevant organisations whether his Driver’s License can be substituted instead and they both assured me that it will not be a problem and that it will be adequate to uplift payments. 

He turned up and presented his Driver’s license only to be told by the paying clerk at the GPO that he must pay $3000 as penalty because he does not have a National ID card. Can someone responsible for this policy kindly explain the logic and correctness of such blatant disrespect for graft is what it is. It does not make sense and it is not right unless of course the clerk attending to him made his own policy change.

When I return to Guyana I must go back to the supervisors I consulted and demand that each of my $3000 be returned to me.  The record book at the Post Office will have a record of the public servant who did the transaction. Thank you.


Hema Persaud