I feel confident that Minister Singh’s budget will improve poor people’s quality of life

Dear Editor,

I terms of articulate delivery-even oratory-Senior Minister in charge of finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, is my favorite and choice. (Followed perhaps by Minister Gail). This afternoon Minister Singh will outline this year’s government Programme. It’ll take the form of income and expenditure 2023-in layman’s terms the “national budget”.

PNC Young Turk assembly woman Ferguson has just briefly outline her (Party’s) suggestion for Minister Singh too ponder. If not, to include today. So I wish, hereby, to support her call for increased salaries and pensions. (Of course the opposition feels free and empowered to demand lots when out of government.) I feel confident that this afternoon, on behalf of the President and his VP, Minister Singh will announce salary and pension increase and various programmes to improve poor people’s “quality of life.”

When the minister announces all of his budgetary national projects, I’m hoping he simplifies their impact by detailing the beneficiaries targeted; how many jobs will be created and just how community and national well-being will be effectively improved urgently. This senior –citizen will be all ears, minister. He can’t let me/us down!

On an unrelated negative event, my heart goes out to the hundreds of young Guyanese citizens affected by that disastrous fire out Christ Church School on Thursday last. I recall the fries at North Georgetown and St. George’s. What loss and trauma for innocent students. (Incidentally and uncle of mine, ABC Fenty, (long deceased), once headed Christ Church ably assisted by now centenarian- plus (Hylton Lewis.) Could not the government create some special super-fund to rebuild these schools in a hurry?


Allan Arthur Fenty