These NIS pensioners are now part of the living poor and are dying out one by one

Dear Editor,

I am an octogenarian. Ipso facto I was around when NIS started and interestingly participated when their Inspectorate discussed the Rules/ Regulations at TUC sponsored Workers Education seminars at locations all over Guyana. 

We learnt how the contributions were calculated and collected and percentage distributed for relevant benefits. 

We asked since then why if we contributed to “maternity benefits” we men did not get our percentage contribution returned as “paternity benefits” for our own children. 

We also questioned why in survivors benefit when we as men die our wives obtained “survivors benefit” but when our wives die we as men were denied the same “survivors benefit” for which we/they  contributed. 

We question why we cannot now obtain assistance for our medical and prescription needs. 

The greatest disappointment however is the Pension paid to us in this group based on the same Regula-tions. 

Research suggests that the same Regulations were amended sometime in the first decade of this century to enhance those proceeding on their NIS bound pension with no thought as to correcting the previous disadvantaged group. 

No one, none, in the 80 age group and above (and some in the 70 group as well) earn more than the minimum NIS. Whether they contributed at the lowest level or at the highest level or for how much more than the 750 contributions they are all bunched at the same (minimum) pay.

But that minimum has not moved for the last three years. It is still $35000 per month. 

Research suggest that the practice has been to pay fifty percent of the Public Sector minimum wage as that minimum rate. However even after the Government announcement the NIS never pays retroactively and in the instant case has not paid any increase for years. 

These NIS pensioners are now part of the living poor and are dying out one by one without benefitting from their sweat and contributions to development of this One Guyana. 

Would the NIS Board and/or the Minister of Finance discuss and advise us why these are not items warranting immediate correction in the sea of plenty. And please do not tell us of “bad (Bridge) investment”. We little “ants” had no say or input when the big “elephants” rumbled and decided. 

As the Political Directorate examines this dilemma please be reminded that this group as a whole are on fixed income: NIS $35000. OAP $33000. Some earned a “work pension” and would have a calculation of (maximum) about half of their salary at retirement. Maybe some savings added. Maybe some other inputs. 

I would be surprised if their total income exceeds $6000 per day/$180000 month. Now look at the “theoretical nutritious bread/COL basket for a octogenarian” and wonder how we live! No! How we survive!

That is the face of part of the living poor in our One (oil rich) Guyana. 

