Some would argue that the NIS could be a better structured organization

Dear Editor,

It is difficult for most persons to contend that the NIS has a record of providing consistent reasonable satisfaction. Complainants of various experiences would argue that it could be a better structured organisation, after its several decades of experience, albeit too internalised. One does not recall when, if ever, the decision-makers involved, including at Board level, have been known to expand their effectiveness by learning from comparator organisations overseas, where for example, in Barbados the recruitment process insists on much higher levels of qualification for staff and thus results in more intelligent productivity.

Guyana’s NIS was the pioneer for similar organisations in the Caribbean, but yet from a customer perspective is better known for mediocrity that has come to be accepted as the norm. From a more informed Human Resources Management and Development perspective, it is difficult to be convinced that there exists the organisational capacity for an effective performance evaluation system intended to identify potential for growth – to satisfy a well regulated succession plan, which must require the identification of training needs to be satisfied of course by a competent education and training department.

The foregoing reservations derive from the perusal of too many vacancies (proudly) publicised in Stabroek News of Saturday, April 15, including vacancies with jumbled position summary that mentions no reporting relationships and no organisational relationships. It is uncertain whether some vacancies are new positions for which there must be a well-informed induction programme, inclusive of reporting relationships. Other vacancies contain mediocre educational requirements for that level of staff. It is the Human Resources Management Department that will have to coordinate the various Induction Programmes, assuming the Department exists. Applicants are bound to wonder!
E. B. John
Human Resources Management and Organisationsal Development Expert