Living peacefully and in harmony with each other is a priceless experience

Dear Editor,

CRG extends its congratulations to all those who successfully participated in the Local Government Elections. May their conscience be their guide as they honestly work towards improving the lives of our citizens. CRG also thanks the First Family for the hard work that they have put into making our communities more family oriented. It brings back the pleasant memories of when horseback riding was available in the National Park. A great reminder of the peaceful culture of our country. Maybe those days will also return.

With the ushering in of a new leadership period in our communities, comes the opportunity for all of us to further participate in making our neighbourhoods safer and more beautiful for everyone to enjoy the lives we have been blessed with. Living peacefully and in harmony with each other is a priceless experience that only we as a people can make possible by working and living together cooperatively as we seek to solve problems and improve our communities. May this new period bring our country closer to becoming a people united in a safe and prosperous nation with a beautiful, pleasant and satisfying destiny.


Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of
