THAG has benefited in the past from outstanding female leadership

Dear Editor,

The Tourism and Hospitality Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting today. As usual, the pre-meeting focus is all about the election for the position of the Presidency. Like the elections in the Private Sector Commission, of the two contestants for the Presidency, the THAG elections pit a male against a female, an independent versus a member of the network and a recently elected member of the Council of the Private Sector Commission. In the end, in the PSC elections, the woman was shut out even from the position of Secretary by Mr. Paul Cheong, the unabashedly political outgoing Chairman.

In the case of THAG, the contest is between a part time resident who only rejoined THAG in 2021, after an absence of more than a dozen years, versus a woman who has been a member continuously for more than a decade. Arguably more than any other private sector organisation, THAG has in the past benefitted from excellent female leadership. Whether that trend resumes or will be scuttled by the network will be decided today.


Christopher Ram