Charged with malicious damage of property

Yannick Adamson
Yannick Adamson

Yannick Adamson, 30, (address not stated) appeared yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court before Chief Magistrate (ag) Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus where he was charged with malicious damage to property.

The particulars of the offence stated that Adamson maliciously damaged one television valued at $48,000 and a number of louvre window panes valued at $3,560, all belonging to Tameka Hescott.

The police prosecutor had no objections to bail but requested the defendant be placed on a bond.

As such, bail was granted in the sum of $15,000 and the defendant was placed on a bond until the completion of the matter. If in default he would be jailed for 3 weeks.

The matter was adjourned until September 27 for statements.