It’s about the quality of your workout

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Image by Freepik)

Oftentimes, I would see a few individuals working out in the morning and then once more in the evenings. Normally, most gym rats get their ‘fix’ once a day. So naturally I did some research on the pros and cons of having two workout sessions daily.

What I learnt is that going to the gym twice a day can have both benefits and potential drawbacks, especially when it comes to gaining more muscle mass. Let’s break down the pros and cons so you can make an informed decision.


Increased training volume: Working out twice a day allows you to split your training volume into two sessions. This can potentially lead to greater overall muscle stimulation and growth.

Targeted workouts: You can focus on different muscle groups in each session. This approach can help prevent overtraining and allow specific muscles more time for recovery.

Metabolism boost: Multiple workouts can elevate your metabolism throughout the day, potentially aiding in fat loss while you’re building muscle.

Skill improvement: If you’re incorporating skill-based exercises like Olympic lifts or advanced yoga, extra practice can lead to better technique and faster progress.


Overtraining risk: Training too often without sufficient recovery can lead to overtraining, increasing the risk of injuries, fatigue, and decreased performance.

Time commitment: Going to the gym twice a day requires more time and planning. It might not be feasible for those with busy schedules.

Recovery challenges: Muscles need time to repair and grow. Insufficient recovery between sessions can hinder muscle development.

Plateau and diminished returns: Your body might adapt to the increased frequency, leading to diminished returns on muscle growth.

Tips for success:

Listen to your body: Pay close attention to how your body responds. If you’re constantly fatigued, it might be a sign to scale back.

Prioritize recovery: Ensure you’re getting adequate sleep, nutrition, and incorporating rest days to allow your muscles to recover fully.

Variation: If you decide to go for double sessions, vary the intensity or focus of each session to prevent burnout and plateauing.

Consult a professional: Consider working with a personal trainer or fitness expert to design a structured and balanced workout plan that suits your goals and limitations.

To conclude, going to the gym twice a day can be beneficial if approached cautiously and tailored to your individual needs. Balancing intensity, recovery, and consistency are key to avoiding burnout and promoting muscle growth effectively. Always prioritize quality over quantity and ensure your routine aligns with your overall fitness goals.