Karasabai tapping education radio signal

Residents of Karasabai, South Pakaraimas, Region 9 awakened to the sound of local radio for the first time on  September 12.

As part of its continued attempts to broaden its network and provide distant education to individuals across the nation, a release from the Ministry of Education says that EDYOU FM had activated its radio signal in the indigenous community. Around 1600 people live in Karasabai, commonly known as the Sun Parakeets’ hometown, the majority of them are Macushis. Aside from sporadic internet connectivity, the village has never had television or radio service until September 12.

The release said that the community now has access to daily lessons for multiple levels in a variety of subject areas.

Melissa Beaton, the Headmistress of Karasabai Nursery School said in a conversation with EDYOU FM that once radio is connected to the school, they will be able to listen to current affairs other than people coming to relate things to them.