Can India be trusted to hold a UN Permanent Security Council Seat?

Dear Editor,

No one is surprised that India which wants a permanent seat on the UN Security Council abstained or has voted in favour of Israel at the UN since a nationalist government came into power in New Delhi headed by Narendra Modi. India is quick to forget that it was colonized by the British and that Palestine was never decolonized and is under Israeli military occupation. Many leaders from the Global South are finding India’s Modi Government problematic for abandoning “non-aligned” historical positions. The entire  world placed an embargo on Apartheid South Africa, except the West, led by USA, UK, France, and Germany which sided with the Apartheid Regime.  Mandela was branded a terrorist by these countries. 

And back to India, who will be left to defend the oppressed when India has abandoned its historic fight for the Global South, decolonization and human rights. In fact, India has also caged Kashmir since it abrogated the historical autonomous status of Jammu and Kashmir and is receiving Israeli help in suppressing Kashmir and Muslims across India. And has India now become an enabler of that Palestinian colonization? Can India be trusted to hold a UN Permanent Security Council Seat? Or will New Delhi only replicate what we see of the USA, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom?  Generations won’t forgive those who collude with the oppressors. 

Ray Chickrie