Who covered the losses for last weekend’s London Guyana Oil/Sustainability conference?

Dear Editor,

I was very glad to attend the London Guyana Oil/Sustainability conference last weekend. First, great kudos to David Roberts for getting the show on the road. He has for months been trying (and sometimes failing) to pull it all together. He did that. Congrats as the Guyanese say. But there are a few caveats… two days instead of one. Not enough content to justify that. Why speakers not kept to time and to topic? It ran on GMT-Guyana Mean Time. Guyana and Oil was a bit lost; just six spoke on that with plenty PowerPoint karaoke. Why not more attendees-I counted 20-25 paying guests. But my major question is who paid for this big loss maker? The fancy conference centre, food for speakers and at least four or five of them flown across the Atlantic (First class?) to attend. Who covered the losses? Will they cover next year’s conference if there is one? I do think David owes it to us all to explain the financing. I look forward to that.


John ‘Bill Cotton/Reform’ Mair