Audited financial statements seems to be an endemic problem

Dear Editor,

The teachers’ strike raised issues of accountability via the submission of audited financial statements. It seems however that this is an endemic problem which is only conveniently used. Perusal of the recently released Auditor General’s

report showed on page 64 that the Guyana Revenue Authority and Bureau of Statistics were last audited for 2017 and 2011 respectively.

Page 126 had seven agencies with last audits from 2019 or before with the Guyana School of Agriculture being from 2009.

Throughout the report there are lists of Government audits which have not been completed for years. Pot calling the kettle black? To top this off, companies have been receiving demand notices from the same Guyana Revenue Authority to submit their 2022 audited statements or face sanction. Why is the same Guyana Revenue Authority not sanctioned for its failure to have its audits completed for the last five years?


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