Letters to the Editor

Region Two farmer endangering livelihoods

Dear Editor, Accusations are mounting against a farmer in Region 2 for violating the law by cutting the canal dam to drain his some 50 acres of a virgin plot in the backlands of the Middlesex-Vilvoorden area.

Let us try to honour and respect our women

Dear Editor,   Allow me to compliment you and your publisher for making it possible for ordinary citizens to get their views across to the wider population and to the wheelers and dealers in the corridors of power.

US Virgin Islands former governor charged with embezzlement

Dear Editor, While government lawmakers in Guyana are demanding prosecution for any officials who were guilty of malfeasance under the PPP/C government, the acting Attorney General of the US Virgin Islands has charged former Governor John de Jongh Jr of embezzlement involving nearly half a million dollars.

Prophetic remarks

Dear Editor,   When I wrote the following comments in 2013, I could hardly have had a clue as to their being prophetic enough to relate as closely as they did to some of the remarks the Minister of Finance made in a very informative interview conducted on Channel 11, on Tuesday evening, August 11.

Appointment of Registrar of Lands does not fall foul of the Land Registry Act

Dear Editor,   Kindly permit me to offer a brief response to two recent letters written by Mr Leon Rockcliffe and Mr Christopher Ram, respectively, in which they sought to address the issue of the legality of the appointment of Ms Rosalie Robertson as the new Registrar of Lands (‘Government should urgently amend the Land Registry Act’ SN, August 15; ‘A Registrar of Lands has been appointed without any amendment to the Land Registry Act’ SN, August 16).

We should be more conscious of cybercrime

Dear Editor,   I am most enthused by the renewed interest which is being placed on the issue of cyber security, and moreso, the recognition of the need for relevant mechanisms to tackle the growing cyber-threats in Guyana.

Still no truth

Dear Editor,   Mr Christopher Ram’s castigation of the Minister of Governance Mr Raphael Trotman ‒ ‘Minister Trotman’s statements on the Rodney Commission of Inquiry were outrageous,’ SN, August 3 ‒ was pointed; the attorney wasn’t pulling punches.

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