Letters to the Editor

The GRA’s Camp Street complex

The disclosure that the complex on Camp Street housing the offices of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) seemingly poses a threat to the safety and health of the authority’s employees should not come as a complete shock to the public.

Who from Civil Society met Norwegians?

Dear Editor, Your Sunday edition of yesterday reports on page 3 that Director of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative Per Fedrik Pharo was talking to Government and members of civil society.

Guyanese should see their situation from a fresh perspective

Dear Editor, I would like to issue a call to all my fellow Guyanese to rethink the situation on the national level in which we find ourselves from a fresh perspective, and make an effort to resolve once and for all the relationships we share so that we can really join together and contribute to the mutual development of our people.

The forgotten utility

Dear Editor,   It is not listed in the Table of Contents, but if you have the will you can find a relatively short list of statutory utilities, two of which seem to have been ignored in all the years of scrutiny and budget debates.

Teixeira’s statements in Parliament were incorrect

Dear Editor, In her presentation to the nation’s Budget debate in Parliament on the evening of August 20, 2015, opposition PPP Member of Parliament, Ms Gail Teixeira, erroneously claimed that the Guyana Consulate in New York has been taken over by the APNU Group in New York.

Hydar Ally was deserving of respect

Dear Editor,   From the interactions I have had with Mr Hydar Ally in his capacity as Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, I cannot but classify him as a humble person with a strong respect for people, who is not manipulated by arrogance.

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