Letters to the Editor

No 10 in the queue

Dear Editor, In relation to past, present and ongoing depression in the Linden area, its population should take heart from the following quote from the inaugural Independence address to the nation by President Ramotar on May 25, 2012, as reported in SN of May 26, 2012: Plans to revitalise village economies “Fellow Guyanese, our country has come a far way in building a dynamic society.  This

The inquiry into the Linden killings must be led by external and objective officials

Dear Editor, The most important terms of reference for the investigation into the Linden police shootings must be that it should be (1) led by external and objective officials; (2) selected by joint agreement between the government and the parliamentary opposition (and this must include the AFC); and (3) granted subpoena powers to summon witnesses and take testimony under oath.

‘We have paid a price and the struggle continues’

Dear Editor, I have no illusion, no singular revelation, no special moment of truth, but a steady accumulation of a thousand slights, a thousand indignities, a thousand hurting moments as a resident and leader of God‘s people in Region 10 producing in me an anger, a rebelliousness, a desire to see a system that divides people by reason of race defeated, and a desire to resist a system that has imprisoned the people of Region 10.

Members of the diaspora have been struggling for four decades to get major cricket matches played in the US

Dear Editor, Regarding (letters in SN) President Donald Ramotar’s cricket comment in his Caricom speech about the West Indies Cricket Board taking international matches to Florida instead of utilizing facilities developed by regional governments to benefit their own territories, the President is not in tune with the views of diaspora lovers of cricket in North America.

We need ‘youth governance’

Dear Editor, Last year a young man whom I knew from childhood who left Guyana in his early teens and went to live in the United States of America with his family, distinguished himself by becoming an international lawyer.

AFC National Management Committee has not visited Region Two

Dear Editor, The Region Two Management Committee is very concerned that after the National and Regional Elections, neither the Leader, the Chairman or any member of the National Management Committee has seen it fit to visit this region, despite several requests made by us, and promises that visits would be made.

Condemns Linden killings

Dear Editor, It is with deep concern that I condemn the killing of Guyanese citizens at Linden, who were engaged in protest activities against a very steep increase in their electricity rates, by the Guyana Police Force.

Region 10 has been failed by its leaders

Dear Editor, Even as I extend heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of those who were injured and died in Linden in the ongoing protest, I would like to point out that this situation is a reflection of the poor leadership of those who advertise themselves as leaders and representatives of the region.

Apology as Chairman of the Board stands

Dear Editor, I pen this letter to register my disappointment at the misrepresentation of an interview that I gave to the Stabroek News which implied in its Sunday, July 15, 2012 report that I sought to justify the opinions expressed in a letter and by extension the Guyana Chronicle editorial of July 2 for which I had earlier offered an apology.

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