Letters to the Editor

Questions which bother me

Dear Editor, In my last Friday’s weekly column I promised to raise questions with respect to two unrelated issues that tend to bother me, consistently.

Prioritise improving the quality of our lives and environmental care with our oil wealth

Dear Editor, Whenever I drive through the littered streets of my neighbourhood, having at some corners, make shift dumps composed of shopping bags bursting with used diapers, “salt bags” tied up with the tins and bottles from someone’s kitchen and all manner of disgusting material, I reflect on all the news and hoopla of Guyana’s newfound wealth and how all this money seems only to lead to massive projects and the pockets of large contractors, but never something like garbage collection or nationwide awareness of garbage, what is bio-degradeable and what is not etc.,

Natural Resource Fund Act should be challenged in court

Dear Editor, The NRF law passed by the PPP/C should be challenged in court on procedural rules (and I don’t refer to presence and absence of the mace) and whether they violated Article 13 of the constitution as well as whether it is harmful to the public good.

Both sides of his mouth

Dear Editor, He speaks from both sides of his mouth. Does he accept and recognize the president and government as duly and constitutionally elected, or doesn’t he?

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