Letters to the Editor

We need to keep schools open

Dear Editor, Keeping schools opened should be Guyana’s top priority. In December 2021, just last month, a report published by the World Bank titled “The State of the Global Education Crisis: A Path to Recovery” estimated that globally this generation of students risk losing $17 trillion of collective lifetime earnings due to the closure of schools because of COVID-19.

Rethink Covid-19 measures

Dear Editor, With the massive surge in Covid-19 cases recently shouldn’t the authorities rethink certain measures in place, particularly the curfew period? 

Residents of Experiment, Bath being subjected to loud and vulgar music

Dear Editor, We, the residents of Experiment, Bath, West Bank Berbice have been subjected to the most obscene and vulgar music which is being played at deafening decibels and emanating from not only some houses armed with huge music systems but from cars with the entire trunks retrofitted and burdened with gigantic speakers.

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