Letters to the Editor

Who is to blame when a person who cannot access their second dose, ends up in the ICU and dies?

Dear Editor, In July 2021, a Reuters article quoted the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) as stating that the gap between the first and second dose of the Sputnik vaccine can be increased to 180 days (https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russias-rdif-says-gap-between-two-sputnik-v-shots-could-be-widened-180-days-2021-07-09/?fbclid=IwAR3wEB47bqEUhWBjlZDmrpfCjLgAF1hM68Xjh5KfLE_q71YZ_AOrdNypQLY).

Guyana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists did not endorse mandatory vaccination

Dear Editor, Pursuant to an article published in your newspaper on Sunday September 12, 2021, pages 10 & 19 `Religious bodies advise members of compliance with new vaccination measures’, I write to express concern that what was represented in the article is not a true reflection of what was communicated to the churches of the Guyana Conference constituency.

Vaccinations are nothing new, they save lives

Dear Editor, A small country like ours with a small population mostly spread out along the coast was in an ideal position to have already achieved herd immunity against the COVID-19 virus and allowed us all to return to a great degree of normalcy.

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