Letters to the Editor

Insensitive symbol in ad

Dear Editor, It is noted that an advertisement which appeared on page 11 of yesterday’s Stabroek News of an annual event in observance of Indian Arrival to Guyana has prominently displayed the religious symbols of a major religion.

No confidence in council team named to negotiate with parking meter company

Dear Editor, Reports in the Kaieteur News ()KN) and Stabroek News (SN) on Thursday, April 27th, 2017 referred to the holding of an Extra-Ordinary (KN)/Special Statutory (SN) meeting of the Georgetown City Council on Tuesday, 26th April 2017 when a Committee of seven councillors was appointed to represent the Council at the discussions to renegotiate the parking meter contract with SCSL.

Kudos to Colours Boutique

Dear Editor, I must congratulate the management of Colours Boutique for so promptly responding to the call to assist our young athletes.

Inspections should be stepped up to ensure safe tires

Dear Editor, After watching many protests over the banning of used tires and the various comments, I concluded that many of these dealers either don’t have a clue about the dangers of the tires they offer for sale or are just concerned about profit no matter the cost.

Better cricket scheduling needed

Dear Editor, For a long time I have been thinking and occasionally writing about the need to schedule the different formats of cricket with a view to getting the best out of all of them for all the parties.

Pope’s TED Talk message

Dear Editor, It is nothing surprising for me when Pope Francis comes up with innovative ways to reach out to people especially with his down to earth message of love and unity.

Same lame excuse from GTT

Dear Editor, We read today that GTT announced that work is well underway to apply the latest generation of networking technologies and equipment to its broadband network.

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