Letters to the Editor

Region 6 Capital Expenditure Budgetary proposal needs to be probed

Dear Editor, I have been accused by some of deliberately spreading false allegations in my letters to the media but the Auditor’s General Report has vindicated me to some extent and I am sure that a forensic audit into the Region 6 Tender Board and the manner in which the 2017 Capital Expenditure was done will allow the finances allocated to our region to be meaningfully spent and not end up in the pockets of corrupt politicians and government officials.

Dylan’s work will continue to impact us

Dear Editor, Having read Mr. Rooplall Dudnauth’s letter in your daily edition of October 14, 2016, which dealt with Bob Dylan, the American singer who was recently awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature, I felt compelled to offer a few lines of my own in this regard.

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