
How a photo came to be taken

Dear Editor, I refer to a letter in your newspaper (‘Story and photo caption on website a misrepresentation,’ Jan 7) written by George Vyphuis and containing the following words: “They were present… but moved immediately when they observed Freddie Kissoon taking the photograph.”

Security concerns

If there is one single event last year which signposted neatly all of the failings of the police force it was the hair-raising slaughter in September of five persons – including a child – at Cummings Lodge.

In Guyana politics never rule anything in or out

Dear Editor, Of late, PPP and PNC contenders for the presidency have dominated the news, but until and unless I see the backs of President Bharrat Jagdeo and PNC Leader, Mr Robert Corbin, as they exit the door of politics into retirement where recently approved generous retirement packages await both, I won’t place any bets yet.

A case of foot and mouth?

Dear Editor, Informed sources wish to express appreciation of SN’s very instructive editorial of January 3, 2011 commenting on appointments to the reportedly established Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA).

Misreading the classics

The most famous Dead White Male author since Shakespeare has been in the headlines ever since Oprah Winfrey, host of what is arguably the world’s most influential book club, announced plans for “a date with Dickens” over the Christmas season.

Aubrey Barker lake

Dear Editor, I don’t rightly know whose purview or authority this falls under, but I would like to draw to the attention of Mr Hamilton Green (M&CC) and Mr Robeson Benn (Minister of Public Works and Hydraulics) that Aubrey Barker Road from National Avenue in the west and Rosa Drive in the east is always inundated with water whenever the rain falls.

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