
Rights to privacy

Despite publicly expressed concerns about the use of facial recognition technology in Guyana, and the publication of data on its deployment in other countries, Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan remains quite unmoved.

No amount of rhetoric will erase widely held belief that PSC is inextricably linked to PPP

Dear Editor, I respond here to the Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC), Gerry Gouveia and the other responders re my perception of Gouveia’s tone and conduct in his abrasive and disrespectful letter to Keith Lowenfield, Commissioner of National Registration/Chief Election Officer which was carried in the newspapers on Monday, July 22nd, 2019.

Smoke signals

The 7,000 square miles of rainforest which have vanished in Brazil’s 75,000 forest fires so far this year represent a doubling of the area destroyed last year.

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