

It is certainly not unknown for the nerve centre of official communications in this country to disseminate bizarre statements, but the one which filtered into the inboxes of unsuspecting media houses on Tuesday was exceptional even by Gina’s none too balanced standards.

NDIA should initiate an independent mid-term review of the Hope Canal Project

Dear Editor, In an SN letter of Dec 11, joint venture consultants CEMCO and SRKN’gineering expressed the view that the report on our observations regarding sub-standard work being performed at the Hope Canal Project which was published in SN on December 4 should have been dealt with discreetly among the engineering fraternity and the competent authority (NDIA) since as a result of our indiscretion and unethical discourse as claimed, they have had to address the inaccuracies as were detailed in our missive.

Privacy and the public sphere

The apparent suicide of a nurse in London, a few days after she had been hoaxed by Australian radio DJs who pretended to be members of the royal family, has highlighted the difficulty of effectively regulating the media in a digital age.

The PPP’s rebuttals of Ramkarran are laughable

Dear Editor, The recent statements from Mr Ralph Ramkarran and rebuttals of his position by Freedom House in the Chronicle and SN, show how far from President Cheddi’s political ideals the leaders of the PPP have come; Jagan would have been shocked at the divisions and acrimony infesting the party he so assiduously built from scratch in 1950.The

The laugh is on the Ramotar administration

Dear Editor, In what has to be deemed the biggest political joke of the year in Guyana, the Donald Ramotar regime issued a statement appealing to regional and international bodies for support, saying Guyana is “under threat” as a result of the opposition’s parliamentary control.


In a letter by Clairmont Lye captioned ‘NGOs and decent citizens should add their voices to a call for penal reform’ which appeared in our edition yesterday, the sentence “Over the following years several revolts by prisoners indicated that conditions had improved,” should have read: “Over the following years several revolts by prisoners indicated that conditions had not improved.”

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