I don’t mind cat calls from men

Dear Editor,

I refer to a letter from Naiceles Williams captioned “Women are regularly subjected to vulgar remarks and obscene suggestions” (07.10.07). She was complaining about how men are calling women vulgar names when they pass by and asked for other opinions from readers. Well, I think she is too thin skinned and needs to get tough. Men are the aggressive sex and it is in their DNA to pursue females. If a female doesn’t like the man, she has the choice of simply ignoring his cat calls and he will eventually get the message that she doesn’t want him and stop.

Let’s be honest, if a man does not pursue a woman how will most relationships be formed? Lots of females like the attention. It makes them feel good that the men find us sexy and desirable but as the saying goes, you can look but don’t touch. if he tries to touch without a female’s approval then that’s when you ‘manners’ him.

Yours faithfully,

Sharmillah (Penny) Narine