‘Onward, upward,’ not backward

Dear Editor,

A few days ago I heard  President Jagdeo at Babu John, glorifying the Jagans and demonizing the PNC as he dug into the ’70s and lashed out at Mr Granger and the opposition camp.

Could this be the same person who not so long ago was encouraging the residents of Buxton to forget the past as he presented them with laptops and made wonderful promises? Is he suffering from selective amnesia, or is he simply afraid of the inevitable as we draw closer to elections?

This generation knows nothing of the seventies and eighties. They know about the nineties and the present. They know about hundreds of unsolved murders, untouchable drug lords, corruption in high places, persons  in high office who are above the law (or so they think), and the list goes on. Who does he think he is fooling?

Does anyone know of any country whose leaders constantly seek to resurrect their dead leaders as they try to get the support of the populace?

Jagan and Burnham made their contributions, but they are dead. We who are alive can see, hear, feel, and no attempt to throw wool over our eyes will succeed. A tree is known by its fruit.

Mr Jagdeo can take a leaf out of Mr Obama’s book. President Obama never tried to pull down his opponents as he sought political office. He carried and carries himself like a true patriot, and leaves you to draw your own conclusions. We never hear him ‘busing’ out or trying to intimidate. That’s a true statesman.

“Onward upward may we ever go.”  Not backward!

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)