Please respect the vote and accept the election results, sanctions is not just a word

Dear Editor,

As a true friend of Guyana – who spent part of my childhood in Guyana in the early 1980’s – and as a former senior United States government official – I want to make clear that the Guyana election recount will soon be completed, and call upon all parties in Guyana to respect the voters and accept the election results.

The results of the March 2nd election – as shown by the certified Statements of Poll and Regional Results – and as now verified by the nearly complete Recount – show that the PPP/C won 51% to 47% for APNU+AFC and the remaining 2% to several minor parties.   That is the will of the voters.

Guyana has endured a tortuous three-month process of attempted fraud by certain GECOM officials, attempting to falsify the results, in a misguided attempt to change the election results in the favour of the governing coalition.  That conduct is criminal behaviour, and a clear violation of the fundamental human rights of the Guyanese people.

I served in the US government as the highest ranking Guyanese-American in the US government during the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush – as a member of the U.S. Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force; as Chief of Staff to OSHA; as White House Counsel ethics attorney; in the U.S. Department of Justice; and as Deputy Assis-tant Secretary of Labor of the United States.  I remain deeply involved with the U.S. political and government leadership.

I also know – and count as good friends – many of the political leaders in Guyana, on both sides of the aisle.  My father, who maintained his law offices in Guyana until three years ago, is also well known to and good friends with many of Guyana’s leaders.

That is why I want to make it clear to all leaders of good faith in Guyana – in all parties – that the time for delay is over.  The United States – and Guyana’s other friends in the world – have no more patience for anyone attempting fraud or to frustrate the will of the voters.

The Ambassadors of Guyana’s international partners – and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo – have made clear that past attempts to commit fraud were anti-democratic and illegal.  And that anyone attempting to disregard or falsify the results in the future will subject themselves to severe sanctions.  I want everyone in Guyana to understand that any interference with certifying the election results is not only illegal, but incredibly foolish and self-destructive.

“Sanctions” is not just a word.  It can mean no oil money from oil companies; international arrest warrants for perpetrators; travel bans for perpetrators and their families; seizure of bank accounts; arrests of relatives colluding with illegal behaviour.  It means becoming impoverished and becoming a fugitive.  I implore everyone of good faith in the leadership in Guyana not to follow that path.

After decades of economic distress and struggle, Guyana is on the cusp of a new era that will bring unprecedented prosperity and opportunity to all the Guyanese people.  There will be a wealth of opportunity for everyone.  Guyana is projected to have the world’s fastest growing economy over the next decades. There are great things to be done to build the new Guyana and lift all Guyanese out of poverty – new schools, infrastructure, and business.  Any and all Guyanese, regardless of political persuasion – can and should benefit from this new era of prosperity.  But it can only be done if political leaders respect the rule of law.

Please take this message from a daughter of Guyana – as one wishing only the best for everyone in Guyana – to follow the path of legality and prospe-rity.  Please respect the vote and accept the election results – and let us all work together to build a great country for all Guyanese.

Yours faithfully,

Deborah N. Misir