Enthusiast seeks to share benefits of yoga

Rocshel Barron
Rocshel Barron

After a few years of discovering the benefits of yoga for herself, Rocshel Barron is hoping to share what she has learned with others.

“I found yoga when I was a place in my life where things were dull. A friend encouraged me to try yoga. When I first started, it was just me trying to do poses then I began doing yoga daily. After that I started doing meditation,” Barron said as she described the steps she took before she finally found the mind-body connection she was looking for.

“It teaches your body to act in such a way that you are able to get the best movements out of your body. It’s also a physical foundation for anything else you want to do”, Barron added, while explaining how the breathing exercises are known for reducing stress, while the poses and stretches help to improve one’s strength, balance, and flexibility..

Instructor Rocshel Barron with students during a recent yoga session

Barron further said that yoga helps practitioners gain control of their bodies, become stronger and better balanced, which can translates to other positive outcomes, such as greater focus.

“The meditation part is a lot of breathing work. You’re taught in yoga that this is the most important thing. You only feel that mind-body connection when you’re able to do that. Some people think meditation is magic and call it crazy. Meditation is where you sit in a quiet space and focus on your body and focus on your breathing,” posited Barron.

She further noted that this practice helps one to be aligned with the universe which can be better explained as one not being swayed by the nonsense around them but be more focused on the things they want to achieve in life. Barron believes that yoga aside, anything one sets out to achieve, once they are disciplined and dedicated towards that goal, will align the universe in their favour.

Yoga started out as a hobby for Barron after she saw photos posted by friends and thought they looked rather “cool’ but today yoga has a deeper meaning for her; it has become a practice where it’s no longer just fun for her but more about her well-being.

Personally, yoga has brought healing for her. Barron noted that at one point she was interested in CrossFit exercises but she suffered a back injury. Doing yoga has helped her with this. And as someone who has had trouble sleeping, she said yoga has helped with her getting a better night’s rest.

At the beginning of last week, Barron decided to take her lifestyle to another level when she decided to become a vegetarian. She said that persons upon learning she did yoga are often of the notion that she is a vegetarian, which she was not for the few years since she has been practicing the art. With yoga being the practice of art, science and philosophy, it makes one more aware of not only things they do with their body but what they consume also which is why Barron decided to take this step. Becoming a vegetarian, she said, has not been too much of a challenge for her since while she ate meat, she did so sparingly so it was not too difficult to cut that out from her life.

After doing yoga for some time, Barron began updating her social media with pictures which led to persons requesting that she teach them. At first, she was not confident about taking on that challenge but when a friend from the Red Cross who teaches table tennis returned from Germany asked her to fill in for another teacher in giving yoga sessions, she thought maybe it was time she gave teaching a try. Though scared at first, a month and a half of teaching, and interacting with her students, this became a new passion of hers.

With this new experience, Barron is now branching off to do yoga instructing independently with a new yoga business called ‘The Mushin Effect’. She will be holding a free session in the National Park this coming Saturday to offer interested persons a sneak peek into what her sessions will be like. Persons can choose to sign up on Saturday. Barron is offering yoga sessions for groups, individuals, and for corporate clients.

For this Saturday’s session, to be held from 4.30pm to 5.30pm, persons are required to wear comfortable footwear and clothing, walk with their own yoga mats, a bottle of water and a towel. Face masks are not compulsory while working out as there will be sufficient space for persons to be physically distanced.

Apart from Yoga, Barron is a digital marketer and co-owner of SomeRays Virtual Solutions.

You can contact Barron via Instagram at @rocshelbarron and @The Mushin Effect.