Sand hazard at Hand-en-Veldt

Dear Editor,

It is closing on a year since white sand was dumped on the western lane of the roadway in front of Lots 4-5 of Hand-en-Veldt, Mahaica, East Coast Demerara. To date the sand is still on the roadway and it has now spread to the middle of the roadway. This is a traffic hazard. Road users are forced to choose to walk, ride or drive on the sand or to wait until the traffic is clear before crossing the road in order to pass the location by using the eastern lane.

Editor, I brought this matter to the attention of a councilor of the Unity-Vereeniging Neighbourhood Demo-cratic Council (NDC) over a month ago. In addition, there are police vehicles that drive past that area several times each day. To compound the issue, there are two potholes on the road at the northern edge of the sand which drivers have to navigate around as they traverse that location.

How much longer will road users have to wait before this menace is rectified? Enough!

Yours faithfully,

Bernel L. H. Wickham