CXC considering postponing exams, T&T suggests 3 weeks

(Trinidad Express) The Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) is considering postponing its examinations.

In speaking at a Post-Cabinet briefing from St Ann’s yesterday, Minister of Education Nyan Gadsby-Dolly said that, “As of Monday or Tuesday, CXC would have written expressing their views on possible postponement and some other recommendations that have been forwarded, notably from the Caribbean Union of Teachers and recommendations also coming out of the different member States of CARICOM.”

She added that the position advanced to CXC was that, based on present circumstances, they would be in support of a postponement of not more than three weeks.

Gadsby-Dolly explained that to go beyond three weeks could lead into difficulties, including students’ getting into universities.

She added that issues were forwarded to CXC to support a postponement to all exams, to allow students more preparation time. “The SBAs (school based assessments) of course have also been impacted by the events of different territories having to have school curtailed and so we are also supporting from Trinidad and Tobago, an increased deadline for the SBAs and a three week delay in the start of all examinations.”

She said following CXCS’s recommendation this week, all of the member states have been asked to, by today (yesterday), submit their views. “Trinidad and Tobago would have done so today,” the Education Minister said.

She said they will await a response from CXC which has to collate the information received from those in the region including the Ministers of Education.

Concerning oral examinations, Gadsby-Dolly said that having the student and the teachers interact virtually is being discussed.

This country is currently under a State of Emergency and during the press conference Gadsby-Dolly announced a change in the date of the locally held Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) exam, for the placement of primary school into secondary schools, from June 10 to July 1.