Foster replaced by Singh as CWI Director

In a shocking announcement yesterday, the Guyana Cricket Board’s (GCB) executive committee said that Essequibo Cricket Board (ECB) President, Deleep Singh will replace Berbice Cricket Board (BCB) President, Hilbert Foster as a Cricket West Indies director.

A press release from the GCB yesterday stated that Deleep Singh will join Demerara Cricket Board and East Coast Cricket Board president, Bissoondyal Singh as the other director.

In an invited comment, the new director told this publication that it was a privilege to be elected unanimously to the role.

“I must say I am overwhelmed by the confidence shown by the GCB executives in me and what I can bring to elevate Guyana and West Indies cricket to a higher standard and its rightful place at the top,” he said.

He admitted that it would be a challenge, taking up the highest position he has ever held but said he wanted to assure the public that he will try his best and work hard to ensure the right things will be done and ensure players get the best opportunities and facilities to work with.

He pointed out that he was nominated to the position by GCB secretary, Ronald Williams and seconded by Robindranauth Saywack after Foster’s tenure expired.

“The amendment to facilitate the alternating of directors was approved at a Special General Meeting of the Guyana Cricket Board held on March 06, 2022,” the release stated.

“This meeting was convened for two specific purposes: proposed amendments to the constitution and the submission and ratification of Audited Finan-cial reports of the County Boards,” the release added.

“The report from the Berbice Cricket Board however created much debate as the figures presented could not stand up to scrutiny. The meeting decided that in the interest of transparency and accountability and in keeping with the Guyana Cricket Administration Act 2014 that the financial report of the Berbice Cricket Board be subjected to a forensic audit. This decision was taken despite the explanations given by the Berbice Cricket Board President, Hilbert Foster and which were deemed unacceptable.”

Foster, in an invited comment said, “Our financial statement was audited and will stand the test of times.”

The BCB president, who is also a vice-president at the GCB labeled this statement as “an effort to tarnish the reputation of the BCB who refuses to be a lap dog to the GCB.”

He said that nothing relating to the financial audit was discussed yesterday.

The release did not state if the DCB and ECB’s financial reports were audited and accepted.

In a statement last evening, the BCB expressed its disgust with the GCB release which has left them “speechless.” The statement clarified that Foster did not attempt to explain anything but rather the explanation was done by Treasurer, Cecil Beharry and Assistant Treasurer Rovin Bahadur.

“The 2020 audited report had one page of correction which concerned the incorrect names of our executives for the period under review. The auditor has since corrected the mistake. At the last GCB meeting, our Treasurer was unable to answer a question about a $30,000 receivable because he did not have the necessary information on hand. The simple answer is that the contractor for the repair of our office had not completed the work at the time of the report had been submitted. The work was done shortly after the start of our new financial year,” the BCB stated.

The BCB  added, “The GCB executives today met for its monthly meeting and no discussion about the financial statement took place and no one was authorised to issue a press statement. What is remarkable about all of this, is a statement that was made in the GCB chat group that stated that persons would be unceremoniously removed or would resign in shame.”

The BCB revealed that the GCB’s financial committee has failed to meet and accept the report but noted, “The Board in its wisdom saw it fit to issue a libelous statement.”

The BCB contended that both the Treasurer and his assistant along with the two vice-presidents and a few other executives were unaware of the statement.