The time is ripe to review the protocols regarding river commute

Dear Editor,

I am saddened that two young children lost their lives in the Pomeroon River Monday night by accident. Their precious lives were cut short because of another terrible boat accident, and again, by another floating object causing it to capsize. Editor, those floating objects are the cause of most accidents occurring in the Pomeroon River. I understand that the accident occurred sometime around 8.30 pm suggesting that visibility was poor. However, travelling at nights usually entails having a torchlight to assist with visibility. This is an unfortunate situation. I can only imagine what their parents and loved ones are experiencing. 

I remember several years ago when a family from Charity Housing Scheme lost two of their young children to a boat accident. The parents were devastated. Editor, St. Monica is a beautiful community in the Upper Pomeroon River. I visited that community many times. The people are courteous and friendly. Only last week it was reported that two Brazilians are still missing and are feared drowned. It is a harsh and frightening situation but I pray that God comforts the families. Editor, something must be done in order to minimize floating objects and to also prevent these constant boat accidents that keep claiming lives.

We cannot afford to be losing our people in this manner. Something have to be done now before the next accident happen. My condolences to the grieving families.


Yannason Duncan