Widen the writers and make it sharper

Dear Editor,

The SN letter page is the closest Guyana comes to a national discussion forum. ‘Let a hundred flowers bloom’ to quote Chairman Mao. The current opposition seem to view the National Assembly as an adjunct of the courts and a training ground for them and a break from the street.

Discussion is more than ever needed in my mother and her mother’s land.

So,is it time to widen the pool of contributors to beyond the usual suspects – Clinton Conway, Hammie Green, GHK Lall, the man from GuySuCo (historical) spring to mind.

Why not implore more readers to contribute and whilst at it sub the letters down to a manageable size. Some are marathon reads. Boring too.

Widen the writers and make it sharper please.


John ‘Bill Cotton/Reform’ Mair

(A reader and ‘usual suspect’)