Pension payment delayed as NIS WhatsApp number did not work

Dear Editor,

I am an overseas pensioner presently in Guyana for a short while. On 9/3/2023 I texted and called several times the NIS’ WhatsApp number to do a life certificate interview. Dead silence. On 10/3/2023 I visited the NIS and signed a local life certificate form. On 30/3/2023, after not seeing my three months’ pension credited to my bank account at the end of March, I was told by NIS it would be credited at the end of April. Now if I was overseas and did the interview on 10/3/2023, I would have received the money by 24/3/2023. But because I signed a local form I will get my pension at the end of April. Do NIS employees get their March salaries at the end of April? Are employers and individuals allowed to pay their March contributions at the end of April?

What is sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander. My goose is cooked, whether steamed, boiled or fried, I am getting a stomach upset.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” – Luke 6:31.


(Name and address supplied)