Gov’t should not outsource vital elements of childcare and protection

Dear Editor,

The Government of Guyana outsources vital elements of childcare and protection, this emerged amid claims by Attorney-at-law and former government minister, Khemraj Ramjattan that he was denied access to his client  “the Non-Governmental Organizations, ChildLink, and Blossom Inc who usually provide the Forensic Interviewing service to CPA in these matters” (SN 27.06.23) This denial of legal representation to the minor was attributed to ‘standard operating procedure’ by the Guyana Police Force and flatly denied by the Child Care and Protection Agency who said “the complainant in the rape allegation against the Minister of Local Government, Nigel Dharamlall had not been denied legal counsel” without offering explanation or mitigation of Ramjattan’s claim; these seemingly disjointed actions coupled with ‘social media trials’ put truth and justice on perilous fault lines.

NGOs are funded by bilateral and multilateral aid, private individuals, and charitable contributions, the bulk of that funding goes to the NGOs that can show the most ‘results and activity; in this sphere, legitimacy gained by collaborating with the government is a plus, having a government outsource an entire area of responsibility is golden, but being handed a high-profile case is priceless. Along with the responsibility and accolades must however come questions as to competency, qualification, and suitability; Ramjattan’s complaint requires an inquiry by the bar association at the very least.

It was also disheartening to see Ralph Ramkarran, a Senior Counsel, advocate for action based on an allegation, this flies in the face of his profession.  

Editor, all the muddy waters now surrounding this rape allegation stem from a gross dereliction of duty by the Ministry of Human Services which chose to assign responsibility to an NGO that in the protection of its ‘turf’ denied legal representation to a minor. Those making the decisions at the Ministry of Human Services and Home Affairs need to wake up and take cognizance of the consequence of their failures; truth, justice, and protection of citizens should not be outsourced to anyone.


Robin Singh