Queenstown’s oldest resident scores a century

Vera Florence Venture of Lot 72 Cave Street, Queenstown, Esse-quibo, in Region Two, is now the village’s oldest person having celebrated her 100th birthday on Thursday.

She was born on April 25,1924 grew up in the village of Zorg, in Region Two.  before marrying and relocating to Queenstown Village. At the age of 24, ‘Aunty’ Venture embarked on a journey of love, marrying John Venture of Queenstown after a courtship in Zorg.

Settling in Queenstown, she became a beacon of hope, tirelessly engaging in community development. From stitching seams to tending rice fields, she laboured to provide for her children’s education, later enduring widowhood.

Centenarian Vera Florence Venture of Queenstown, Region Two

A devoted mother of nine, she has weathered the loss of two children with grace.

The centenarian credits her deep faith as an Adventist and the regular reading of the scriptures for her remarkable longevity. 

Despite facing much adversity in the course of her life,, Venture’s compassionate heart knows no bounds. She migrated to the United States but returned to Guyana, driven by her love for her homeland.

A steadfast advocate for women’s empowerment, she established a women’s institute and taught skills like sewing and baking to her fellow community members. Her humanitarian spirit extends beyond her family and community as she has been a staunch supporter of orphaned children, offering them love, care, and protection.

Her unwavering commitment to the betterment of society is evident in her role as the first Chairperson of the Queenstown Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) and her valuable contributions to the development of the Queenstown housing scheme.

Now, at the remarkable age of 100, Venture continues to inspire with her resilience and kindness. Surrounded by loved ones as she celebrates her centenary, she imparts invaluable wisdom to the younger generation, encouraging them to pursue their dreams while fostering empathy and compassion for others.

Vera Venture with two of her children

Despite facing age-related ailments, ‘Aunty’ finds solace in her faith, her love for dancing, and her dedication to serving others, reminding us all of the power of humanitarianism and compassion.