Daily Features

Christopher Ram
Christopher Ram

The boring auditor

Business Page Introduction The stereotypical auditor as a fat, prematurely aging, bald, boring and unenterprising man probably says as much about the audit profession as it does about its practitioners.

Ian McDonald
Ian McDonald

What is real development?

Ian On Sunday Having retired a couple of years ago after 52 years in the sugar industry, including working closely with governments and regional institutions along the way, if there is one thing I have learned it is the extreme frailty of all grand plans.

Sea levels are expected to rise about 3.3 ft this century
Sea levels are expected to rise about 3.3 ft this century

What are we waiting for?

Consumer Concerns Three years ago house owners in the coastal region of Georgetown were warned not to engage in elaborate house repairs as the rising Atlantic Ocean would sweep away coastal houses 20 years on.

Another pretty female dog waiting at the GSPCA for a good home. (She has been spayed.)

Disease of the oral cavity

Pet Corner Continued Stomatitis (Sore mouth) In terms of a definition, I think the one most easily understood would reflect an inflammatory condition of the mouth which usually produces small vesicles or abscesses. 

Wayne Brown

Could it happen again?

In our time I am become Death, destroyer of worlds. (J Robert Oppenheimer, scientific director of the Manhattan Project, quoting from the Bhagavad Gita upon the successful testing, in New Mexico in July 1945, of the first atom bomb)Now we are all sons of bitches.

Singapore’s obsession holds lessons for us all

Latin View SINGAPORE — When school officials from across the world come here to learn why Singapore’s students score so well on international science and math tests, it doesn’t take them long to discover the secret – a national obsession with education.

Drug Trafficking

Ask the Consul Installment Ninety-one The US Embassy is very concerned about the increasing number of American citizens and US Legal Permanent Residents who have been arrested in Guyana for narcotics related offences.

The coming age of financial automation

– Harold James is Professor of history and international affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, Professor of history at the European University Institute, Florence and author of The Roman Predicament.

Joseph Stanislaus Solomon

History this week No 33/2009

Guyanese single Test centurions (Part III)By Winston McGowan This series of articles focuses on the six Guyanese cricketers who have scored only one century in their Test career.

Kathy Jo Wetter

Fighting biopiracy

– Silvia Ribeiro and Kathy Jo Wetter are researchers with Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concen-  tration (ETC Group).

They fear us because we are not afraid: Honduran women resist the coup

In The Diaspora Alissa Trotz is Editor of the In the Diaspora Column Two weeks ago, an international delegation of human rights and feminist organizations representing countries from Latin America, Canada, Spain and the United States, traveled to Honduras on a fact-finding mission during Women’s Human Rights Week, to document the violation of women’s rights in the context of the coup of June 28 that deposed democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya.

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