Letters to the Editor

What are we waiting for to stop this national noise nuisance?

Dear Editor, The graphic image of a dog impaled on a fence (SN, Jan 7) as a result of the  bombardment of squibs which was worse than the year before, even though we were promised a proactive approach by the police has I’m sure saddened animal lovers because of the painful and unnecessary death.

Guyana is a crime haven

Dear Editor, I refer to Mr Hydar Ally’s letter titled ‘The perception of Guyana as a crime haven is a result of media sensationalism’ (SN, Jan 7).

Much education is needed about animals

Dear Editor, I read with great interest the events of the accident of the horse which occurred on Prince William Street, Plaisance on the rainy night of Saturday, December 28, 2013, and what it took to bring the matter to a decent and acceptable conclusion.

Until corruption among public officials is eliminated the best management plans would probably be ineffective

Dear Editor, In response to Mr Urling’s ‘Guyana needs an integrated management plan to address the solid waste problem’ (SN, December 22), I would like to relate my experience, which might suggest to him that until such time certain public offices are staffed by officials whose integrity is beyond reproach and corruption is eliminated, the best-made management plans would most probably be ineffective.

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