Letters to the Editor

Ramotar’s facts on Skeldon are plainly wrong

Dear Editor, Former President, Donald Ramotar in his letter in SN April 8 “Most GuySuCo letter writers have engaged in blame shifting” in reference to the new Skeldon Factory stated, in part, that “by 2015 most of the problems were resolved by GuySuCo’s workers and management” is plainly wrong.

The blame game over cash strapped GuySuCo starts and ends in the direction of Presidents’ Jagdeo and Ramotar

Dear Editor, In reference to former President Donald Ramotar’s trivializing missive, “Most GuySuCo letter writers have engaged in blame-shifting,” SN, Monday, April 08, I agree with him 100 percent, with this qualification: The blame starts with former President Bharrat Jagdeo and his nephew-in-law, former Agriculture Minis-ter Robert Persaud, and expanded over time to include Ramotar when he was PPP General Secretary.

Guyana Times’ weedicide article misleading

Dear Editor, The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) notes with serious concern a full page article in today’s (April 8, 2024) edition of the Guyana Times Newspaper on page 13, “Spraying Bath canals with weedicide for overgrowth destroys millions in crops”, alleging that GuySuCo is responsible for the damage caused.

Applying the Machiavelli approach as a response to Venezuela’s aggression

Dear Editor, In the current geopolitical landscape marked by Venezuela’s persistent rhetoric regarding the annexation of the Essequibo region of Guyana, including action taken by the President of the Bolivian Republic of Venezuela to promulgate “the Organic Law for the Defense of Guayana Esequiba” it’s intriguing to contemplate the strategic maneuvers that Niccolò Machiavelli, the renowned political philosopher, might advocate in response to such a situation.

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