Letters to the Editor

National Register of Registrants remains available for use, house to house unnecessary

Dear Editor, Having established that the accuracy and integrity of the National Register of Registrants DataBase (NRRDB) is intact and supported by a recent statement by GECOM CEO K Lowenfield that it can be used for elections and only needs a ‘claims and objections’ exercise to update it for enfranchisement of all possible electors, the question of the ongoing House to House registration exercise is raised.

An opportunity to depoliticise GECOM

Dear Editor, One of the points made in the letter `For GECOM to be in a perpetual state of readiness it must also be in a continued state of development – SN of 26 July, 2019’ reads as follows: “One such obstacle is continued political interference which stifles GECOM’s role as an impartial agency.

Big Brother is watching you

Dear Editor, I would like to comment on your article in Saturday’s, July 27th Stabroek News titled `Advanced City Surveillance System Unveiled’.

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