
A hypocritical game

Dear Editor, I have absolutely no regrets about the glowing way in which I wrote on the election of Barack Obama as head of the White House and the first black president of the USA: ‘Obama has become another Moses to the world’ (SN, Nov 2008).

Chapter closed, book open

The Guyana Police Force may have closed the chapter on the Lindo Creek massacre on Tuesday when it interred the burnt remains of the eight victims after a funeral service, but the complete book has not been written – at least not for some of the relatives of the slain men – and perhaps it never will be.

Awkward statement

Dear Editor, During a portion of the corruption debates on NCN Channel 11 last week, a most awkward statement was made by the former Head of the Public Service, Nanda K Gopaul who said, “What is wrong with a former President seeking to ensure that he lives a comfortable life after his presidency?”

Colombia and improving regional relations

The announcement by President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia that his government will recommence negotiations with the main guerilla grouping, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), towards a solution of their continuing contention over the movement of narcotics in the context of a wider, long-running civil war, has been welcomed on all sides.

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