
Ms Hamilton should be reinstated

Dear Editor, As an ex-member of the army, I always remember that safety and security is the business of every citizen of Guyana, and I don’t think that anyone in their right senses is going to instruct a magistrate to travel in a speedboat to conduct state business in the interior (Bartica), an area where innocent citizens lost their lives in a massacre.

White Zone

News that domestic violence survivors are finding temporary refuge at the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security’s first White Zone in Berbice is welcome and the programme as outlined by its Coordinator Nalini Katryan provides a measure of hope.

A hypersensitivity to criticism

Dear Editor, With respect to the voice who was reported to have made a rather ‘guttered’ response to Mr Yesu Persaud’s utterance regarding political interventions in the management of GuySuCo, one can only come to the conclusion that the respondent was either a rehired retiree, who was out of touch with the realities of the organisation’s decision-making structure, or was much too reluctant to apprehend what managers, and others in the corporation, readily attest to as an ongoing experience – ranging from appointments, promotions, terminations; not to mention, his/her own lauded ‘turnaround’ which seems incapable of ‘turning up’ or ‘forward.’

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