Letters to the Editor

Blatant untruth about Caricom observers report

Dear Editor, It tells the level of desperation the caretaker government has sunk  to when its members would see it fit and proper to twist and falsify facts to suit their shallow narrative at no less a forum than the OAS.

Guyana facing another PNC occupation

Dear Editor, Reference is made to a letter by Mr. Eusi Kwayana, `In the tissues of every general election here are the fibres of communal struggle (SN 7/21),’ in which he says: “Many may wonder at the USA’s high activism in our affairs in the face of a global pandemic of the present scale.

Outraged at reports of cockfighting

Dear Editor, The Guyana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA) would like to express its outrage that, according to recent reports in the media, the inhumane act of cockfighting regularly takes place on Sundays at the Port Mourant Race Course.

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